Wednesday 24 July 2013

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The Top 10 Christmas Presents For Kids 2012 UK

Here is a look at the top 10 predicted best selling toys in the UK for this Christmas, 2012. This list will give you an idea of what to buy for your kids or gifts for young relatives or friends. Some of these presents don't come cheap, like the Furby, gee-wizz nearly £60! I have put a few cheaper alternatives to some of the popular toys in here too, I know it's hard, if your child is begging for a Furby then they may not want anything else, but these are tough times and we just can't afford to always buy what the children want.
 It's only the end of September at the time of typing this and I am already sooo excited about Christmas this year, with a 3 year old and 2 year old. it's just starting to become really fun as they are learning about Santa and will be so happy and grateful for any presents that they will get, I have heard that it gets harder when they know what they want!
This is the official retailers list of top 10 kids gifts for this year, so hopefully you can pick something out, and if not then maybe my alternate selections will help you.
 Can't believe I'm saying this as it's so early, but incase I forget nearer the time, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

NUMBER 1 = Furby

FurbyFurby The Furby was first out in 1998, which makes it rather embarrassing to admit that I had one, I was 18! I was so sure that I was younger, but anyway, it was a huge success and they have decided to re-vamp it and bring it out again this Christmas. 
To be completely honest I think the new one actually looks quite tacky in comparison with it's bright block colours, I like the white and black ones though, buy hey these are meant for kids not me! The 2012 version has more voices, apps like meals to feed your Furby and a translator from Furbish to English, it also comes in an array of colours white, yellow, red, teal (blue), black and a pink/purple mix. 
The LED eyes are a great new feature as it makes the Furby seem more emotional. The Furby is an interactive toy that you can play with, the way that you treat it supposed to be how it forms it's personality so this is a great educational toy for kids without them even feeling like they are learning! 
 Your Furby will start off speaking in it's own language called Furbish, the more you talk to it in English, the more it will pick up our language and start to speak it. It can also eat by using an app, it's eyes will have fire in them if you feed it hot chillies!!! 
 This is defiantly an alternate to a child that wants a pet for Christmas. A big warning though, this is set to sell out so get it while you can, if you can't afford it, or you missed out and there are none left then check out the cheaper alternatives below.

Alternatives To The Furby

So, the Furby is set to be the biggest seller at Christmas 2012 in the UK but lets face it, who has the money to spend on something that may just be a fad and forgotten about by our children in a month or so? 
I have had a look around at some similar toys that are a bit cheaper, 1 of them is still quite dear (The FurReal Pup) but it looks like that may be a longer lasting toy in terms of love-ability and I think children will really warm to it, particularly if they want a pet but you don't think they are ready for one yet. 
 The V-tech Kitten is not furry, like the Furby but for some parents this be a welcomed benefit if they have kids that are messy as mine are! It makes cleaning them so much easier when you can just use a baby wipe! 
The Meercat toy looks really good and kids may love this due to those silly Compare The Market adverts! Meercats are actually quite beautiful animals, I seen some the other week at a local farm. (anyone near Erskine in Scotland should pop into Lamont City Farm, it's a tiny wee place but is all run voluntary so please leave them a wee donation if you do go!)  

NUMBER 2 = The Amazing Web Shooting Spider-Man

The Amazing Web Shooting Spider-ManThe Amazing Web Shooting Spider-Man Spiderman is almost as popular today as it was when he was first on out TV screen in 1967. 
With a few movie franchises in the past few years, it has sky-rocketed again and there have been some quite awesome toys to go with the ever popular character. 
This years Spider man toy with shooting webs is set to be one of the best selling gifts for kids this year. He is a good size at 34cm and the webs can be shot left or right and out of his hands, Spiderman's head also moves from left to right at the same time plus sound effects are made to make this even more realistic. 
 This is for the ages 4 years and over (I see some 30+ guys getting this too!) and it takes 4 AAA batteries which are annoyingly not included.(Yeah, that's right nearly £35 for this and need to buy batteries separately, pet hate of mine!) 
This also comes with a target practice in the shape of his nemesis The Lizard! I have read a few reviews on this and to be honest it seems that it is a lot of money for what it is, it may be a good idea to check out my alternatives, just after the Youtube video below. If your child/brother/hubby/wife is set on this then you may not have a choice and it is early days as it is a new toy so hopefully we will start seeing some better reviews soon. 

Here Is A Very Short Youtube Clip Of Web Shooting Spiderman In Action

Alternatives To The Amazing Web Shooting Spider-Man

Here is a fantastic little collection of cheaper Spider man figures. Some of them have just as much fun, playtime like the Zip Rocket Spider Man, it may only be about a third of the size in comparison to the Web Shooting Spider Man, (just under 10cm, the web shooting spidey is 34cm) it is also a third of the price and is a brilliant toy too. This comes in at under a tenner (£8.97 at time of typing this) and a huge plus is that it doesn't take batteries! It also has a shooter that fires a! OK I don't actually know what the blue thing is that it fires out but it still looks pretty cool and fun! 
The electronic Spider Man Figure is £22.99 at the time of typing this which is not all that cheaper than the web shooting version but does have a lot more features like lights, sounds and a missile launcher, so much more to keep a young child entertained. 
 To be honest my favourite is the Mr Potato Head Spider Spud! This is so comical looking and comes with a range off accessories and of course it does not require batteries so no ongoing costs. This is for ages 2 and up though so it might not be the best replacement for an older child.